Usage of this web interface: Please refer below for example input files. Keep units the same for all concentrations and time. The user needs to input the following data:

  1. Survival file: A CSV file which contains data on Concentration of drug (Column 1) vs Survival of mice (Column 2)

  2. Number of mice which died during the multi-dose experiment

  3. Total number of mice which were used during the multi-dose experiment

  4. Time period of dosage (Please note output will be in same units as input time period)

  5. Concentration of dosage

  6. Number of dosages administered

What is TOXHL? It is a simple method for the determination of half-lives of drugs based on survival outcomes alone. TOXHL involves 3 experiments: an acute toxicity experiment, a cumulative toxicity experiment, and a multi-dose experiment at different dosing intervals. Data obtained from these 3 experiment has been demonstrated to be sufficient to calculate the peritoneal half-life of the antimicrobial peptide, Ω76. While other methods such as HPLC, fluorescence assays, radioassays, radioimmunoassays, and elemental mass spectrometric assays exist for determining the half-lives of drugs, they are often resource and labor-intensive, cannot be preformed in small laboratories, or used for the high-throughputhalf-life determination of hundreds of drug candidates.

Example Input: Please input the following for an example run -

  1. Survival file*
  2. Number of mice which died during the multi-dose experiment = 2
  3. Total number of mice which were used during the multi-dose experiment = 6
  4. Time period of dosage = 3**
  5. Concentration of dosage = 64*
  6. Number of dosages administered = 5

    * We have used mg/kg concentration units in this example. An end-user may use any concentration units, as long as they are kept uniform throughout the input.

    ** We have used minutes as units of time. An end-user can use any time units, but note that the output will be reported in the same units.

Upload Survival file (CSV format)  

You can also choose to run TOXHL as a standalone program. It is available at:


A reference will be made available shortly.